Sunday, January 21, 2007

film review: pan's labyrinth

since viewing the science of sleep i've been entranced by this idea of the space between dreams and reality. pan's labyrinth beautifully and flawlessly dealt with this concept; i watched it yesterday with frank and his brother, jeremy. the hopeful story of a girl destined for royalty in an underground kingdom unfolds amongst the cruelty and misery of war-torn spain. i highly recommend it.

in addition to fueling to aforementioned thoughts, the science of sleep and pan's labyrinth reminded me of my love of foreign films. life is beautiful is one of my favorites. does anyone have any recommendations?


Anonymous said...

I enjoyed watching the movie with you! Your blog is pretty, and your writing is great!

Bree said...

Hey Sandra, when are you going to post about your engagement. I want to hear the whole story!